31. Not your money.

Adam went to the dentist and got a tooth extracted.

Comic Transcripts

Alma: Adam has a toothache, we’re at the dentist, The tooth is gonna be removed, and it’s gonna be fifty bucks
Casey: …ok.
Adam: Hi daddy, look what I’ve got!
Casey: What is it? baby
Adam: A tooth!
Adam: I’m gonna put it under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy to give me money.
Casey: Money?, I paid for that tooth already.
Adam: Come on dad, is not like it is your money, is tooth fairy’s.
Casey: Smart boy. Santa isn’t real, but when it comes to free money, the Tooth Fairy sure is.

31. Not your money. transcribed by Comic Transcript Authorskadazuro in Comic Transcript Languagesenglish

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